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Reinforce Positive Self-Talk A. The veteran/service member was reinforced for any successful replacement of distorted negative thinking with positive, reality-based cognitive messages. It was noted that the veteran/service member has been engaging in positive, reality-based thinking that has enhanced his/her self-confidence and increased adaptive action. The veteran/service member was assigned to complete the “Positive Self-Talk” assignment from the Adult Psychotherapy Homework Planner, 2nd ed. The veteran/service member has completed the homework assignment, and the content was processed. The veteran/service member has implemented behavioral coping strategies to reduce feelings of depression and was reinforced for doing so. The veteran/service member was assisted in identifying several instances in which behavioral coping strategies were helpful in reducing depressive feelings.

Teach Conflict Resolution Skills A. The veteran/service member was taught conflict resolution skills through modeling, roleplaying, and behavioral rehearsal. The veteran/service member was taught about empathy and active listening. The veteran/service member was taught about “I messages,” respectful communication, assertiveness without aggression, and compromise. The veteran/service member was reinforced for his/her clear understanding of conflict resolution skills. The veteran/service member displayed a poor understanding of conflict resolution skills and was provided with remedial feedback.

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It was noted that the service member has not Blackplanet his/her self-efficacious statements. Reinforce Survivor Viewpoint A. The service member was reinforced when he/she displayed a greater sense of control by viewing himself/herself as a survivor. The service member’s comments indicative of being a survivor were reinforced. It was reflected to the service member that he/she has a survivor mentality rather than a victim mentality.

Because the veteran/service member described serious suicidal urges, steps were taken to ensure his/her safety. Develop Spending Priorities A. The veteran/service member was asked to compare net income while deployed versus current net income. The veteran/service member was assigned the task of listing the priorities that he/she believes should give direction to how money is spent. D. As treatment has progressed, the service member reports a greater ability to communicate and trust others from diverse backgrounds. Explore Extent of Animosity ∗ A.

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The interaction of the diathesis and stressors were reviewed and explained. Educate about Future Military Service Options A. The veteran/service member was educated regarding future military service options as they relate to his/her brief psychotic illness. The veteran/service member was advised about how his/her brief psychotic illness may affect his/her future military service. Arrange Medication Evaluation A. The veteran/service member was referred for an immediate evaluation for psychotropic medication. Arrangements were made for the administration of appropriate psychotropic medications through a physician.

As treatment has progressed, the veteran/service member has discontinued blaming others for his/her aggressive and abusive behavior. Assess Anger Dynamics ∗ A. The veteran/service member was assessed for various stimuli that have triggered his/her anger. The veteran/service member was assisted in identifying situations, people, and thoughts that have triggered his/her anger. The veteran/service member was assisted in identifying the thoughts, feelings, and actions that have characterized his/her anger responses. D. The veteran/service member has struggled to understand how triggers increase cravings and was provided with remedial information in this area.

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The veteran/service member acknowledged how the best sleep is a deep, consolidated sleep rather than an extended period of time. The veteran/service member was assigned “Making Use of the Thought-Stopping Technique” in the Adult Psychotherapy Homework Planner, 2nd ed. Role-plays were used to help the veteran/service member to practice the thought-stopping technique. The veteran/service member was referred to his/her physician to evaluate whether psychotropic medications might be helpful to induce sleep. Utilize Imagery Rehearsal Therapy A. Imagery rehearsal therapy was utilized with the veteran/service member to decrease the intensity and frequency of nightmares. Imagery rehearsal therapy has been helpful in decreasing the veteran’s/service member’s frequency and intensity of nightmares.

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The service member was encouraged to review and update his/her will and/or power of attorney. The service member was encouraged to include his/her spouse/legal guardian in this process. The service member has updated his/her proper documents and was reinforced for this. The service member has avoided updating his/her proper documents and was reminded about this necessary task.

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